2018 Reading Challenge

My daughters and I created a reading challenge for 2018.

The rules are simple: 1. Get as many categories checked off as possible.  (Yes, books can count for more than 1 category.) 2. Try not to cheat by reading a book too far below your reading level. 3. Book must be finished in 2018.

There are 52 categories. Some are easy. Some require research. (A book printed the year you were born. A book originally printed in a different language.)

My 11 year old and I are considering adapting “A book with over 500 pages” to fit the reading style of my 9 year old, who cringes at the idea of a book that thick. Our current idea is to let her 500 page goal be cumulative, instead of a single book.

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Here is a PDF version of our list: 2018 Reading Challenge  We printed and hung it on the wall. We also made a copy to take with us to the library.

My 11 year started making a reading list almost as soon as the page was spit from the printer.  She is challenging herself to see how many categories each book fits into. I believe her highest is a book that completes 7 categories. She might force us to make an overachievers list.

My 9 year old took a little while longer to get excited, but she checked 3 books out from the library today which will complete 6 categories. That’s a good start for my reluctant reader.

I look forward to watching both my kids get excited about reading things they might not normally read this year.

Feel free to join us!

2018 Reading Challenge


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